
Shipping Form

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Shipping Instructions

Please note that if you are sending a garment for reweaving and suspect moth or other insect damage, you should have it dry cleaned first. More damage may appear after cleaning.

  1. FABRICS SHOULD BE MARKED WITH PINS OR TAPE TO HELP US IDENTIFY THE DAMAGE. Test a hidden area on the garment first. Avoid pinning fine fabrics such as silk. Do not mark leather, suede or shearling. Note any damaged areas on the shipping form.
  2. Print and fill out the shipping form. If you are paying by credit card, please sign the credit card section to authorize payment. For security purposes, you can leave the credit card number blank and we can take it over the phone once we’ve received your shipment.
  3. Include extra material if available. If the garment is part of a suit, send the whole suit in case we need material.
  4. Ship using your preferred carrier to:

Without A Trace
3344 W Bryn Mawr Ave
Chicago IL 60659

If you have requested an estimate or we need to discuss the work, we will contact you after we have opened your package.